
January 24, 2017

A Brief Guide to Frenchic’s Luxury Stencil Range

A Brief Guide to Frenchic’s Luxury Stencil Range

A Brief Guide to Frenchic’s Luxury Stencil Range

If you’re bored of the same old stencil designs, you’re in luck. We have a whole new luxury stencil range for you to explore.

Stencils are ideal if you struggle with detail painting on furniture and want to avoid inevitable mistakes.

Our stencils come in 18 A4-size designs that are made with high-quality mylar, meaning you can use them over and over again.

Our unique designs include:

Check out the video to see them in action and don’t forget to check out the range regularly – we have plenty more designs on the way!

How to Use a Stencil on Furniture

Using a stencil on furniture is simple:

  1. First, position the stencil where you want the design to be. If you have a larger stencil, it might be best to use painter’s tape to keep the stencil in position.
  2. Next, select a small wax brush to paint with.
  3. Apply a small amount bit of paint on the tip of the paintbrush, then dab it dry on a piece of paper towel – your brush should be almost completely dry when stencilling.
  4. Bounce the brush up and down on the stencil and use a light swirling motion to help the paint adhere over the stencil. Don’t apply too much pressure and start with a light coat and build it up as needed
  5. Carefully remove the stencil and leave to dry. Voila, you’re done!


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